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8-hour, 5-day work week was announced by Henry Ford
On September 25, 1926, Henry Ford announced an 8-hour, 5-day work week. The regulation of working hours was the first brick in the construction of the labor law.

Ampere’s experiments on the interaction between magnetic fields
On September 25, 1820, the French physicist, mathematician and chemist André-Marie Ampere demonstrated an experiment on the interaction between magnetic fields arising around electric currents to the Academy of Sciences.

An ancient cell was found
On January 12, 1938, Wilhelm König, an Austrian archaeologist, found an unusual object while excavating near Baghdad. It was a light clay vessel about 15 cm high. The vessel had a copper cylinder inside containing a fully oxidized iron rod fixed with a bitumen plug. The upper end of the rod rising 1 cm above the plug was covered with a greyish completely oxidized layer of metal which reminded lead...

Birthday of the first transformer
On November 30, in 1876, Pavel Yablochkov received the world’s first patent for his electric candle – considered a first-ever application of the transformer.

Demonstration of the first electric telephone
Johann Philipp Reis, a German physicist and inventor, believed that electricity can be transmitted at a distance, like light, without material conductors, and set up several experiments on his theory. The idea of ​​transmitting sound using electricity was born when Reis studied the organs of hearing...

Demonstration of the first incandescent light bulb
Thomas Edison made the first public demonstration of his incandescent light bulb on December 31, 1879 in Menlo Park.

Demonstration of the first transistor
The first workable transistor was demostrated on December 24, 1947. Its creators were employees of Bell Telephone Laboratories company. Their names are now known to the whole world, these are scientists-physicists Walter Brattain, William Shockley and John Bardeen.

Demonstration of the mirror telescope prototype
On October 2, 1608 Hans Lippershey (a German-born Dutch inventor, optician and eyeglass maker, most likely creator of the telescope) presented his invention to the Dutch government. It was the prototype of the modern mirror telescope.

Discovery of X-rays
Om November 8, 1895 Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen discovered X-rays. This happened unexpectedly. Late in the evening when the scientist was going to leave the laboratory and had already turned off the light in the room he suddenly saw a greenish glow in the darkness, fluorescence, which emanated from the screen covered with barium platinum-cyanide crystals.

Finish of the first circumnavigation of the world
On March 2, 1949 the airplane Lucky Lady II (United States Air Force Boeing B-50 Superfortress) became the first one to circle the world nonstop.

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