Well known in Europe since the year 2000 AKTAKOM trademark has been successfully registered in the USA in 2013. The registered AKTAKOM brand combines the wide range of test and measuring instruments of the highest quality and precision. Created by professionals for professionals, AKTAKOM’s mission is to provide clients worldwide with the highest quality testing equipment. Quality, innovation and precision are the hallmarks of all the products under AKTAKOM trademark. The team of highly professional scientists carefully selected every item we sell based on their personal experiences and implementation of the latest technologies.

AKTAKOM’s good name and excellent reputation has been established for its quality, innovation and precision. AKTAKOM offers large variety of digital test and measurement equipment including Multimeters, Oscilloscopes, Waveform Generators, Environment meters, Clamp meters and Milliohm meters. In addition to test equipment, AKTAKOM’s Professional Soldering Stations are equal in quality to world leading brands while offering much lower prices and excellent customer service.

Some of the developments have already got worldwide recognition! Thus in January 2013 AKTAKOM APS-73xxL series power supplies equipped with special AKTAKOM Power Manager Software has become the winner in "Power Supply" and "Test Product of the Year" categories of Best in Test Award competition. Moreover the title of the Test Product of the Year has been awarded to AKTAKOM APS-73xxL power supply series as well. AKTAKOM Power Manager Software used in this power supplies provides a wide range of control capabilities to users.

AKTAKOM understands that in today’s fast paced competitive market the latest digital equipment is no longer a luxury but a necessity. Therefore all of the products are offered at the lowest possible price and perform as many functions as possible.

AKTAKOM motto is "Everything you need for your laboratory and even more!"

Digital OscilloscopesClamp MetersMultimetersPower SuppliesAnemometersLCR MetersThermometersSoldering Equipment

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