Automatic Measurements

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+Duty - Oscilloscope Automatic Measurement Type

A type of automatic measurements. Measures the first cycle waveform. Positive Duty Cycle is the ratio between positive pulse width (t) and period (T).

+Wid - Oscilloscope Automatic Measurement Type

A type of automatic measurements. +Wid measures the time between the first rising edge and the next falling edge at 50% level of the waveform.

-Duty - Oscilloscope Automatic Measurement Type

A type of automatic measurements. Measures the first cycle waveform. Negative Duty Cycle is the ratio between negative pulse width and period.

-Wid - Oscilloscope Automatic Measurement Type

A type of automatic measurements. -Wid measures the time between the first falling edge and the next rising edge at 50% level of the waveform.

Area - Oscilloscope Automatic Measurement Type
One of the auto measurement types in digital oscilloscopes, relating to a derivative measurement type of amplitude and time, is the definition of an area under the waveform curve.
Automatic measurement
Automatic measurement is a function in modern digital oscilloscopes which allows measuring different types of values automatically: in amplitude and time domains.
BWid - Oscilloscope Automatic Measurement Type

A type of automatic measurements. The duration of a burst measured over the entire waveform.

Crms (Cycrms) - Oscilloscope Automatic Measurement Type
A type of automatic measurements. The true Root Mean Square voltage over the first cycle in the waveform.
Cycle area - Oscilloscope Automatic Measurement Type
One of the auto measurement types in digital oscilloscopes, relating to a derivative measurement type of amplitude and time, is the definition of an area under one (e.g. the first one) waveform cycle.
Delay A→B means time delay measurement between the edges of two signals. Meanwhile the edges should be both falling or rising.
Delay A→B¯ means time delay measurement between the edges of two signals. The first edge should be rising and the second one – falling or vice versa.
FFF - Oscilloscope Automatic Measurement Type
FFF is one of the auto measurement types of a digital oscilloscope located in the time domain (“Delay” menu item), which is used for the measurement of the time delay between the first falling edge of channel 1 and the first falling edge of channel 2.
FFR - Oscilloscope Automatic Measurement Type
FFR - is one of the auto measurement types of a digital oscilloscope located in the time domain (“Delay” menu item) which is used for the measurement of the time delay between the first falling edge of channel 1 and the first rising edge of channel 2.
FOVShoot - Oscilloscope Automatic Measurement Type
A type of automatic measurements. The measurement of U (shoot) at the bottom on the falling edge.
FPREshoot - Oscilloscope Automatic Measurement Type
A type of automatic measurements. The measurement of U shoot at the top on the falling edge.
FRF - Oscilloscope Automatic Measurement Type
FRF - is one of the auto measurement types of a digital oscilloscope located in the time domain (“Delay” menu item) which is used for the measurement of the time delay between the first rising edge of channel 1 and the first falling edge of channel 2.
FRR - Oscilloscope Automatic Measurement Type
FRR - is one of the auto measurement types of a digital oscilloscope located in the time domain (“Delay” menu item) which is used for the measurement of the time delay between the first rising edge of channel 1 and the first rising edge of channel 2.
LFF - Oscilloscope Automatic Measurement Type
LFF is one of auto measurement types of a digital oscilloscope in the time domain (“Delay” menu item) which is used for the measurement of the time delay between the first falling edge of channel 1 and the last falling edge of channel 2.
LFR - Oscilloscope Automatic Measurement Type
LFR is one of auto measurement types of a digital oscilloscope in the time domain (“Delay” menu item) which is used for the measurement of the time delay between the first falling edge of channel 1 and the last rising edge of channel 2.
LRF - Oscilloscope Automatic Measurement Type
LRF is one of auto measurement types of a digital oscilloscope in the time domain (“Delay” menu item) which is used for the measurement of the time delay between the first rising edge of channel 1 and the last falling edge of channel 2.
LRR - Oscilloscope Automatic Measurement Type
LRR is one of auto measurement types of a digital oscilloscope in the time domain (“Delay” menu item) which is used for the measurement of the time delay between the first rising edge of channel 1 and the last rising edge of channel 2.
Mean - Oscilloscope Automatic Measurement Type

A type of automatic measurements. The arithmetic mean measurement of the entire waveform.

Shoot measurement after voltage change on the rising edge RovShoot and falling edge FOVShoot.
Means the shoot measurement untill the voltage change on the rising edge RPREShoot and falling edge FPREShoot.
ROVShoot - Oscilloscope Automatic Measurement Type
A type of automatic measurements. Means the ratio of U shoot at the top in percent to amplitude (A) on the rising edge.
RPREshoot - Oscilloscope Automatic Measurement Type
A type of automatic measurements. Means the ratio of U shoot at the bottom in percent to amplitude (A) on the rising edge.
Vamp - Oscilloscope Automatic Measurement Type

A type of automatic measurements. Voltage between Vmax and Vmin of a waveform excluding overshoots.

Vavg - Oscilloscope Automatic Measurement Type

A type of automatic measurements. Average signal voltage measurement for the first cycle in digital oscilloscopes.

Vbase - Oscilloscope Automatic Measurement Type
A type of automatic measurements. Measures the lowest voltage over the entire waveform excluding overshoots.
Vmax - Oscilloscope Automatic Measurement Type

A type of automatic measurements. The most positive peak voltage measured over the entire waveform.

Vmin - Oscilloscope Automatic Measurement Type

A type of automatic measurements. The most negative peak voltage measured over the entire waveform.

Vpp - Oscilloscope Automatic Measurement Type

A type of automatic measurements. Measures the absolute difference between the maximum and minimum peak voltage of the entire waveform.

Vrms - Oscilloscope Automatic Measurement Type

A type of automatic measurements. The true Root Mean Square voltage over the entire waveform.

Vtop - Oscilloscope Automatic Measurement Type

A type of automatic measurements. Measures the highest voltage over the entire waveform excluding overshoots.

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Shockley, William

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