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Waveform Generators

  • AWG Series have included a frequency counter. How to use it?
  • USB AWG-41XX driver supports Windows 7 and OS 64 Bit
  • How to install AWG-41xx Application Software (EasyWave version 1.0)
  • Are there any duty cycle limitations?
  • How to generate 1 to 5.5 Hz frequency signal at a voltage level of 5 millivolts RMS?
  • How to change my wave generator from Chinese to English?
  • Does DG2041A generate a white noise ?
  • Does DG1022 generate a white noise ?
  • Does DG3061A generate a white noise ?
  • U Disk can not be detected
  • If the settings are correct but no waveform is generated
  • If the settings are correct but no waveform is generated

  • AWG Series have included a frequency counter. How to use it?

    AWG Series have included a frequency counter which could measure frequency from 100mHZ to 200MHZ under CH2/CNT utility regime. For testing purpose you may connect CH1 and CH2 using a BNC cable.

    Set any signal at CH1 with any frequency and press the Output button.

    Now at CH2 (please press CH1/2 button) press button Utility and then following the column down press the button at the right of Counter. You will see the value of the frequency you programmed at CH1 immediately.


    USB AWG-41XX driver supports Windows 7 and OS 64 Bit

    How to install under Windows 7 is ccoming soon

    USB driver for AKTAKOM Function Arbitrary Waveform Generators AWG-4105, AWG-4110 and AWG-4150 does not support Windows 7 and OS 64 Bit for the moment. We are working on it to provide support for the latest OS.


    How to install AWG-41xx Application Software (EasyWave version 1.0)

    1.- Install the Easy Wave application software CD that comes with your AWG.

    2.- Find in your CD or download from our website the DLL files and copy in to Easy Wave folder.

    3.- Go to the Device Manager to install your USB device and direct the driver info to the location shows below:

    4.- Finally install the library to make the connection works

    Now You will be able to connect to your AWG from your computer using EasyWave Application Software Version 1.0


    Are there any duty cycle limitations?

    The Pulse Wave Specification chart is not advertising the parameters you wanted if you read carefully is giving you a minimum and a maximum pulse width and a resolution value

    Also in a website the Specification Table shows a parameter that is missed in a manual:

    As per Pulse wave specification the Duty Cycle limits some parameters, pulse also. In fact the minimum pulse is related with frequency, period and duty cycle. You may think that pulse width is affected only by frequency but this is not correct. It is also related with the duty cycle (10% to 90%).

    For 1HZ frequency pulse wave width is 1s *10%= 100ms. (minimum value 10%) so if you want to make 1ms pulse width, you need adjust the period < 10ms. Now for a 20ns minimum pulse width, you need to adjust the period <200ns, that means the frequency is >5Mhz.

    We should apology because the general Duty Cycle is missed in a manual but in a page 25 regarding "To Set Square Signals" there is a table that shows an idea about relation between Frequency and Duty Cycle:

    Finally please be aware that for any wave generator with the same band price or over you will find the same limitation because of the relation between frequency, period and duty cycle.


    How to generate 1 to 5.5 Hz frequency signal at a voltage level of 5 millivolts RMS?

    First select the button frequency and then the required amount:

    1 Hz:

    Now we input voltage:

    Third amplitude and forth the desired amount:

    5 mVrms:

    Final the output channel:


    How to change my wave generator from Chinese to English?

    Oops my wave generator is in Chinese ! I do not know why or how I did it but now I need to go back to English but I can not read Chinese

    So how to change my wave generator from Chinese to English ?

    1. First press Utility button.

    2. Second press the last button from the right side of the screen.

    3. Finally press three times the second button on the right side of the screen.

    Now the wave generator is in English


    Does DG2041A generate a white noise ?

    Yes of course using the RIGOL DG1022 or DG2041A Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator from our online store you will be able to generate a white noise. Please see the illustration:

    1. First press noise button.
    2. Set the output amplitude.
    3. Switches on button Output.

    Now let use an oscilloscope OWON PDS8202T to see the signal that the generator is providing

    To get a better picture we are going to get the data from the oscilloscope to my personal computer using a USB connector. If you have your own equipment you will need to install the driver and software using the disc that comes with the oscilloscope or download from our website

    This is the same picture that you can see in your oscilloscope but using the computer screen I can fix in my screen to see how splendid a white noise signal is.

    Finally if I take off the button FFT we corroborate that the noise is real white!


    Does DG1022 generate a white noise ?

    Yes of course using the RIGOL DG1022, DG2041A or DG3061A Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator from our online store you will be able to generate a white noise. Please see the illustration:

    1. First press noise button.
    2. Set the output amplitude.
    3. Switches on button Output.

    Now let use an oscilloscope OWON PDS8202T to see the signal that the generator is providing

    To get a better picture we are going to get the data from the oscilloscope to my personal computer using a USB connector. If you have your own equipment you will need to install the driver and software using the disc that comes with the oscilloscope or download from our website

    This is the same picture that you can see in your oscilloscope but using the computer screen I can fix in my screen to see how splendid a white noise signal is.

    Finally if I take off the button FFT we corroborate that the noise is real white!


    Does DG3061A generate a white noise ?

    Yes of course using the RIGOL DG1022, DG2041A or DG3061A Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator from our online store you will be able to generate a white noise. Please see the illustration:

    1. First press noise button.
    2. Set the output amplitude.
    3. Switches on button Output.

    Now let use an oscilloscope OWON PDS8202T to see the signal that the generator is providing

    To get a better picture we are going to get the data from the oscilloscope to my personal computer using a USB connector. If you have your own equipment you will need to install the driver and software using the disc that comes with the oscilloscope or download from our website

    This is the same picture that you can see in your oscilloscope but using the computer screen I can fix in my screen to see how splendid a white noise signal is.

    Finally if I take off the button FFT we corroborate that the noise is real white!


    U Disk can not be detected
    1. Check if the U Disk can work properly.
    2. Make sure that the U Disk used is a Flash Type. Portable Hard Disk can not be used in this instrument.
    3. Restart the instrument, and insert the U Disk again.


    If the settings are correct but no waveform is generated
    1. Check if the Signal Line is correctly connected to the Output terminal.
    2. Check if the BNC works correctly.
    3. Check if the Output button has been turned on.
    4. Set the "Power On" setting "Last" when all the above steps have been finished. Restart the instrument.


    If the settings are correct but no waveform is generated
    1. Check if the Signal Line is correctly connected to the Output terminal.
    2. Check if the BNC works correctly.
    3. Check if the Output button has been turned on.
    4. Select PowOn → Latest when all the above steps have been finished. Restart the instrument.


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