Rigol DS1104Z digital oscilloscope is a combination of high functionality and affordable price. High memory depth, 4 channels, high waveform capture rate make Rigol DS1104Z digital oscilloscope a perfect instrument for various application fields.
Rigol DS1104Z digital oscilloscope uses UltraVision innovative technology which combines high memory depth, easy captured waveform navigation, perfect waveform capture rate. In this technology real-time signal record is combined with advanced signal analysis capabilities and bus signal decode function. At the same time the signal is displayed with controllable brightness depending on the signal intensity. Due to this technology use Rigol DS1104Z digital oscilloscope is especially handy when developing and debugging digital and analogue equipment.
RIGOL DS1104Z Features and Benefits
- Analog channel Bandwidth: 100MHz
- 4 Analog channels
- Max. Sample Rate up to 1G Sa/s
- Memory Depth up to 12Mpts /24Mpts (Opt.)
- Innovative "UltraVision" technology
- Up to 30,000 wfms/s Waveform Capture Rate
- Up to 60,000 frames Real-time Waveform Record (Opt.)
- Low noise floor, Dynamic Range: 1mV/div to 10V/div
- Optional Serial Buses Triggering and Decoding (RS-232, I²C, SPI)
- Multi-Levels intensity grading waveform display
- Complete Connectivity: LAN (LXI), USB Host & Device, AUX, USB-GPIB (Opt.)
- Compact size, light weight, easy to use
- WVGA (800x480), multiple intensity levels waveform display
The RIGOL DS1104Z is the new economic level Digital Oscilloscope from Rigol to meet the customer's applications with its innovative technology, industry leading specifications, powerful trigger functions and broad analysis capabilities. The RIGOL DS1104Z 4 channel digital oscilloscopes come in 70 or 100 MHz versions with a 7 inch display and Rigol's UltraVision technology as well as a host of options. Add the optional analysis, decoding, deep memory, and integrated 2 channel waveform generator for a powerful 4 channel scope at an exceptional price.
Frequently Asked Questions
High voltage measurement testing are not allowed over 300 volts
After the oscilloscope is powered on the display remains dark, what should I do?
The measured voltage amplitude value is 10 times greater or smaller than the actual value
When changing the horizontal sweep on the digital oscilloscope at different horizontal points observed inexplicable change in the form of the same signal, why is this happening?
There is wave form displayed, but it is not stable
High voltage measurement testing are not allowed over 300 volts

Even when you can read in a probe 600V PK CAT I. The Aktakom, Owon or Rigol oscilloscopes does not support more than 300V RMS or 400V PK. For higher voltage please contact us to request a special device.
After the oscilloscope is powered on the display remains dark, what should I do?
Please implement the following fault treatment procedure.
- Check whether the power cable is connected properly.
- Ensure the power switch is turned on.
- Restart the instrument after completing the checks above.
- If the oscilloscope still can not work normally, please call for service.
The measured voltage amplitude value is 10 times greater or smaller than the actual value
Check whether the channel attenuation coefficient and the attenuation coefficient of the probe used is match.
When changing the horizontal sweep on the digital oscilloscope at different horizontal points observed inexplicable change in the form of the same signal, why is this happening?
In fact, this is not a problem.
Just keep in mind that you're using a digital oscilloscope, which digitizes the signal with different sampling rates depending on the selected horizontal sweep, and then connects the digitized points with strait line while restoring the real shape of the signal.
Your first screen shows that you are measuring voltage 50 Hz with the 10 ms / div sweep and a sampling frequency of 20 kHz Ks/s
One signal period (20 ms), digitized in this mode, 20E-03 (sec) * 20E03 (1/sec) = 400 points. This is enough to properly restore and interpolate a sine wave of 50 Hz (i.e. in a period of 20 ms).
Normal display, with a sweep 10 ms / div:

Distortion of the same signal at 10 s / div sweep

Your second screen is set to sweep 10 sec / div, and sample rate on a sweep turned to 20 samples per second (20 Sa / s). I.e. one signal period 20 ms had: 20E-03 (sec) * 20 (1/sec) = 0.4 points. That means that to restore (to interpolate the points) a sine wave with less than one point in time is impossible, so you get this mess (known as "aliasing" or a false frequency) formed by the beats of the measured frequency and sampling frequency.

In order to correctly install a data collection in a digital oscilloscope one should follow a simple rule - the sampling rate must be at least 5-10 times higher than the frequency signal, in that case you will not have the issues that we just discussed.
This applies to all digital oscilloscopes and in no way connected to any particular make or model of oscilloscope or its probes.
There is wave form displayed, but it is not stable
- Check whether the Source item in the TRIG MODE menu is in conformity with the signal channel used in the practical application.
- Check on the trigger Type item: The common signal chooses the Edge trigger mode for Type and the video signal the Video. Only if a proper trigger mode is applied, the wave form can be displayed steadily.
- Try to change the trigger coupling into the high frequency suppress and the low frequency suppress to smooth the high frequency or low frequency noise triggered by the interference.
El osciloscopio digital Rigol DS1104Z es una combinación de alta funcionalidad y precio asequible. Alta profundidad de memoria, 4 canales, alta tasa de captura de formas de onda hacen del osciloscopio digital Rigol DS1104Z un instrumento perfecto para varios campos de aplicación.
El osciloscopio digital Rigol DS1104Z utiliza la tecnología innovadora UltraVision que combina una gran profundidad de memoria, una navegación de forma de onda fácil de capturar y una tasa de captura de forma de onda perfecta. En esta tecnología, el registro de señales en tiempo real se combina con capacidades avanzadas de análisis de señales y función de decodificación de señales de bus. Al mismo tiempo, la señal se muestra con un brillo controlable en función de la intensidad de la señal. Debido a esta tecnología, el uso del osciloscopio digital Rigol DS1104Z es especialmente útil para desarrollar y depurar equipos digitales y analógicos.
Características y beneficios de RIGOL DS1104Z
- Ancho de banda del canal analógico: 100 MHz
- 4 canales analógicos
- Max. Frecuencia de muestreo de hasta 1G Sa / s
- Profundidad de memoria hasta 12Mpts / 24Mpts (opcional)
- Tecnología innovadora "UltraVision"
- Velocidad de captura de forma de onda de hasta 30.000 wfms / s
- Hasta 60.000 fotogramas Registro de forma de onda en tiempo real (opcional)
- Piso de bajo ruido, rango dinámico: 1 mV / div a 10 V / div
- Disparo y decodificación de buses seriales opcionales (RS-232, I²C, SPI)
- Visualización de forma de onda de clasificación de intensidad de varios niveles
- Conectividad completa: LAN (LXI), host y dispositivo USB, AUX, USB-GPIB (opcional)
- Tamaño compacto, peso ligero, fácil de usar.
- WVGA (800x480), visualización de forma de onda de múltiples niveles de intensidad
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