Marconi, Guglielmo

Marconi, Guglielmo

Guglielmo Giovanni Maria Marconi was born in Bologna.

At the age of 13 he entered the technical institute in Livorno. In 1894, inspired by the posthumously published works of Heinrich Hertz as well as Nikola Tesla, he was interested in the transmission of electromagnetic waves and entered the University of Bologna to Augusto Righi, professor of physics, who was exploring this area. At the same time he began to conduct experiments on signaling using electromagnetic waves. In 1895 Marconi sent a wireless signal from his garden to the field 3 km away. Then he suggested to use the wireless communication of mail and telegraph but unfortunately this suggestion was rejected.

In early 1896 he arrived in the UK where demonstrated his invention: using Morse code he transmitted a signal from the roof of the London Post Office to another building at a distance of 1.5 km. The invention interested engineer and inventor William Henry Preece, director of the British post and telegraph. Further works were led by Marconi under his guidance. On June 2, 1896, he submitted an application for "improving the transmission of electrical pulses and signals ". On September 2 Marconi had the first public demonstration of his invention on Salisbury Plain achieving a radiogram transmission at a distance of 3 km.

Marconi used Hert generator as a transmitter in the modification of Righi and the Popov device as a receiver that was modified with Marconi’s vacuum coherer created by himself which increased the stability of the devices and their sensitivity.

On July 2, 1897, he received a patent and already on July 20 he created a large joint-stock company (“Marconi K °”). Marconi attracted many prominent scientists and engineers to work in his company. In summer the same year he transmitted a radio signal at a distance of 14 km over Bristol Bay, in October - at a distance of 21 km. In November the same year the first fixed radio station was built on the Isle of Wight providing communication with the mainland at a distance of 23 km.

In 1899 Guglielmo Marconi decided to attempt transatlantic radio communication. This would require a scale-up in power from the small 200–400 watt transmitters Marconi had used up to then. He contracted John Ambrose Fleming, an expert in power engineering, to design the radio transmitter. Fleming designed the world's first large radio transmitter, a complicated spark transmitter powered by a 25 kW alternator driven by a combustion engine, built at Poldhu in Cornwall, UK, which transmitted the first radio transmission across the Atlantic on 12 December 1901.

In 1900 he opened the first wireless telegraph factory in Chelmsford.

In 1905 Guglielmo Marconi patented beam communication.

In 1932 he established the first radiotelephone microwave connection.

In 1934 demonstrated the possibility of using telegraphy for navigation in the management of the sea.

Guglielmo Marconi spent the last years of his life in Italy.


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