Soldering iron tip

Soldering iron tip

At the end of most soldering irons is an interchangeable part known as a soldering tip. There are many variations of this tip and they come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Each tip is used for a specific purpose and offers a distinct advantage over another. The most common tips you will use in electronics projects are the conical tip and the chisel tip.

Soldering iron tip structure

Soldering tips are made of oxygen-free copper with the steel center and nickel-chromic external covering, the correct use secures a long service life. The long exploitation term of the tips is gained due to their multilayer structure in which the external layer (chrome) is protective, internal (copper) is responsible for heat conductivity, intermediate (steel) - for durability and long operating life. And a working part (tin) - for good solder wettability.

Soldering iron tip

Multilayered soldering tips don’t need any sharpening.

Unreasonable high temperature shortens service life. Use the minimal acceptable temperature, if possible.
Soft tip cleaning from carbon is made with a damp cellulose sponge as oxide and carbides of solder and gumboils can pollute a tip affecting the soldering quality and decreasing the heat transfer.
During continuous work, it’s necessary to take the tip off and to complete cleaning from oxides no less than once a week. Solder on the tip must stay even in a cold condition.
Do not use aggressive soldering flux, consisting of chlorides, or acid. Use colophony flux.

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