Keysight Technologies Introduces Ultra-Low Cost Oscilloscope Series

Keysight Technologies Introduces Ultra-Low Cost Oscilloscope Series


Keysight Technologies, Inc. (NYSE: KEYS) announced the InfiniiVision 1000 X-Series oscilloscopes. This new low-cost oscilloscope series has 50 to 100 MHz models that feature unique, Keysight-custom technology. The oscilloscopes deliver professional-level functionality with industry-leading software analysis and 6-in-1 instrument integration.

The 1000 X-Series uses Keysight's unique MegaZoom IV custom ASIC technology, which enables a high 50,000 waveforms per second update rate. This makes it easier to see random and infrequent glitches and anomalies that similarly-priced oscilloscopes might miss. The 1000 X-Series also has a high sampling rate of up to 2 GSa/s and comes standard with two probes. The oscilloscopes use segmented memory capability to maximize memory depth while helping the scope test faster.

These oscilloscopes are ideal for new users and students. Not only are they low cost, but learning how to use the scope and set up measurements is simple. The industry-standard front panel is easy to use and features built-in help so new users can quickly analyze signals to deliver results. Unlike most scopes in this class, the educator's resource kit comes standard. The kit includes built-in training signals, a comprehensive oscilloscope lab guide written specifically for undergraduate students, and an oscilloscope fundamentals slide set for professors and lab assistants.

“When designing the 1000 X-Series, we looked for ways to aggressively reduce costs while delivering a high-quality product,” said Dave Cipriani, vice president and general manager of Keysight's Digital Photonics Center of Excellence. “We are excited to offer customers a low-priced solution that delivers excellent measurement performance and software analysis capabilities.”

Six-in-one instrument integration means the 1000 X-Series gives users even more value for their money and saves valuable bench space. In addition to being an oscilloscope, the 1000 X-Series is also a serial protocol analyzer, digital voltmeter and frequency counter—and the EDUX1002G and DSOX1102G models include a frequency response analyzer and WaveGen function generator. Bode plot fundamentals are easy to teach with the built in WaveGen and frequency response analysis.

The 1000 X-Series provides professional-quality measurement and software analysis capability. The scope features 24 typical oscilloscope measurements to quickly analyze signals and determine signal parameters. Additional signal analysis is provided by the gated FFT function, which allows users to correlate time and frequency domain phenomenon on a single screen. And mask limit testing is also available to help users easily detect signal errors. The 1000 X-Series supports decoding and analysis of a wide range of popular embedded and automotive serial bus applications, which include I2C, SPI, UART/RS232, CAN and LIN.

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