Free Keithley Web-Based Seminar Explores Production Test Switching System Tips and Techniques

Free Keithley Web-Based Seminar Explores Production Test Switching System Tips and Techniques


Keithley Instruments, Inc., a world leader in advanced electrical test instruments and systems, will broadcast a free, web-based seminar titled "Tips and Techniques for Designing Cost-Effective, Efficient Switch Systems" on Tuesday, July 26, 2011. This one-hour seminar will present the basics of switching for production test applications, from types of switches to switching systems. To register for this event, visit

One of every test engineer's most important goals is keeping test systems cost-effective and efficient and switching is a major factor in ensuring this. Designing the switching system to meet the needs of the overall test system requires an in-depth understanding of the devices under test (DUTs), the number of DUTs, signal levels, required throughput, and switching hardware (switch mainframes, switch cards, etc.).

The seminar will address a variety of switching-related topics:

  • Types of switches (relays, transistors, RF switch, etc.)
  • Switch types (multiplexer switch, switch matrix, etc.)
  • Signal types to be routed (DC, AC, RF, etc.)
  • Combining multiple types of signal routing and switching in one system
  • Techniques for improving switching system speed and integrity

This seminar is recommended for test engineers and system designers working in high throughput production environments who wish to gain a better understanding of high efficiency switching in test systems.

Dale Cigoy, the seminar presenter, is a lead applications engineer for Keithley Instruments, Inc. in Cleveland, Ohio, which is part of the Tektronix test and measurement portfolio. Dale joined the company in 1976 after earning a B.S. in electronic technology from Capitol College. Prior to assuming his current post, Dale developed user documentation for a variety of Keithley products.

Event Date: Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Two broadcast times:

  • Europe: 15:00 CEST
  • North America: 2:00 PM EDT

For More Information.

To register to participate in the online seminar, scheduled for Tuesday, July 26, at 15:00 CEST (9:00 AM EDT) for European participants and at 2:00 PM EDT for North America participants, visit

Keithley Instruments, Inc.,

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