EUCOL U2815 LCR Meter

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Brand: EUCOL
User's Manual (774.37 Kb)

USB Host LAN (Local Area Network) RS-232 (Recommended Standard 232)

New generation of impedance test equipment with high accuracy, wide measurement range and six digits resolution. AC and DC parameters can be measured simultaneously without interference; self-demagnetization.

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U2815 LCR Meter is a new generation of impedance test equipment with high accuracy, wide measurement range and six digits resolution. Being possessed with test frequency up to 1 MHz, test voltage of 10mV-5V and built-in DC bias voltage of -5V~5V, it can meet all requirements for measuring components and materials and provide guarantees for production line quality assurance, incoming inspection and laboratory precision measurements. This product can be widely used in electric performance analysis of microphones, resonators, inductors, ceramic capacitors, LCD monitors, analyzes varactor diodes, transformers and so on. Ultra-fast measurement speed of U2815 Series makes it particularly suitable for automatic production line of inspection machines and frequency response curve analysis of piezoelectric device.

Otherwise, the Handler, RS-232C and GPIB interfaces as well as improved command system provided by the instrument make it easier to build the test system.

InterfaceUSB Host, USB Device, LAN, RS-232, Handler


  • Simultaneously display of four different parameters with flexible combinations
  • AC and DC parameters can be measured simultaneously without interference; self-demagnetization
  • Test frequency: 20Hz ~ 1MHz, 10mHz step
  • Test level: 10mV ~ 5V, 1mV step
  • Basic accuracy: 0.1%
  • High speed and efficiency measurement: Max. 120 meas / sec
  • Built-in bias voltage: -5V - +5V; support bias mode
  • Auto DUT trigger function: the DUT can be measured once be trigger and the measurement results and discrimination will be displayed.
  • Automatic level control (ALC) function of V or I
  • Test signal level monitor function of V and I
  • Flexible limit comparator: support tolerance mode, sequence mode and parameter exchange
  • Rapid and easy determination of Pass/Fail through multi-parameter test function
  • Powerful list sweep function: mixed scanning of various excitation source and display of different parameters;
  • New graphical scanning functions: frequency / level / bias make nuanced analysis of elements
  • Complete user correction function: up to 64 dot frequency correction
  • Rich communication interfaces: RS-232C, USB-CDC, USB-TMC, HANDLER, LAN
  • 2m/4m test cable extension (option)
  • Chinese and English operation interface
  • Multiple USB storage modes: CSV and TXT format for storing test data, BMP, PNG, GIF formats for stored on-screen images, U disk storage / recall setup files, U disk firmware upgrade
  • Storage / recall of Parameters: real-time storage of all parameters without losing after shutdown; supporting internal storage of 120 groups, external storage and recalling of 500 groups
Measurement function
Test parameter |Z|, C, L, R, X, |Y|, B, G, D, Q, θ, DCR
Basic Accuracy 0.1%
Measuring speed Fast: 120, Med: 25, Slow: 5 (meas/sec)
Equivalent circuit Series and Parallel
Ranging mode Auto, Hold
Display mode Direct-reading, Δ, Δ%
Trigger mode Internal, Manual, DUT, External and Bus
Correction Open / short / load, full frequency, 64 dot frequency correction
Graphic Scanning Frequency, level, bias voltage / current
List sweep 20 points frequency, level, bias voltage / current
Monitor 480 x 272, 5-inch TFT color screen
Memory Internal: 120 groups, External: 500 groups (U-disk)
Test signal
Test frequency 20Hz – 1MHz; resolution: 10mHz
Output Impedance 10Ω, 30Ω, 50Ω, 100Ω
Test level 10mV ~ 5V; resolution: 10mV
Internal DC bias source Voltage mode -5V ~ +5V, 1mV step
Current mode (internal resistance: 100Ω) -50mA ~ 50mA, 100µA step
Measurement display range
|Z|, R, X 0.0001Ω - 99.9999MΩ
|Y|, G, B 0.0001µS – 999.999S
C 0.00001pF – 99.9999mF
L 0.00001µH – 99.9999kH
D 0.00001 - 9.99999
θ (Deg) -179.9° – 179.9°
θ (Rad) -3.14159 – 3.14159
Q 0.01 - 99999.9
Δ% -999.99% - 999.99%
DCR 1mΩ - 99.9999MΩ
Comparators 10 bins, BIN0 - BIN9, NG, AUX PASS / FAIL LED display

General Specifications

Temperature & Humidity 0°C - 40°C, ≤90%RH
Power Requirements Voltage 99V - 242V
Frequency 47.5Hz - 63Hz
Power ≤60 VA
Dimension (W x H x D) 350 x 120 x 360mm
Weight Approx. 4.5kg

Standard accessories:

  • LCR-meter
  • Four-terminal test fixture
  • Four-terminal Kelvin test cable
  • Gilded shorting plate

Basic operation of U2815 LCR meter

Basic operation of U2815 is as follows:

  • Use menu keys ([MEAS DISP], [MEAS SETUP], [SYSTEM]) and soft keys to select the desired page.
  • Use cursor keys ([←][→]) to move the cursor to the desired zone. When the cursor moves to a specified zone, the zone will become reverse expression.
  • The soft key functions corresponding to the current zone of the cursor will be displayed in the soft key zone. Users can select and use the desired key. Numeric keys, [BACKSPACE] and [ENTER] are used to input data. When a numeric key is pressed down, the usable unit soft key will be displayed in the soft key zone. You can choose a unit soft key or press [ENTER] to end data inputting. When [ENTER] is used to terminate data inputting, the unit of data will be set to a default unit, such as Hz, V or A. For example the default unit for frequency is Hz.

Controls of U2815 LCR Meter

Front panel

U2815 LCR Meter front panel

  1. USB HOST interface
    Connect U flash disk so as to save or use a specified file.
  2. Brand and model
  3. LCD
    480*272 colorful TFT LCD displays measurement results and conditions.
  4. [CLEAR]
    Execute the calibration operation. Press this key to execute OPEN/SHORT calibration.
  5. [SYSTEM]
    Press this key to enter into the system setup page.
  6. [SAVE]
    Copy the currently displayed page to USB memory.
  7. [FILE]
    Press [FILE] key enter into the display page of file list.
  8. [MEAS DISP]
    Press this key to enter into the display page of measurement display.
    This key is used to move the cursor on the LCD displayed page. When the cursor moves to a zone, the corresponding zone will be lightened.
  10. [MEAS SETUP]
    Press this key to enter into the setup page of measurement setup.
  11. Numerical keys
    These keys are used to input data to the instrument. The key consists of numerical keys [0] to [9], decimal point [.] and [+/-] key.
  12. [←]
    BACKSPACE key is used delete the last numeric of the input value.
  13. [ESC]
    ESCAPE key
  14. PASS indicator
    LED indicator shows the test result has passed.
  15. FAIL indicator
    LED indicator shows the test result has failed.
  16. [DC SOURCE]
    This key is used to permit or forbid the output of a 10V individual voltage source.
  17. [DC BIAS]
    [DC BIAS] is used to permit or forbid the output of 0-100mA/10V DC bias source. Press this key, it will be lighted which means DC bias output is permitted. Press this key once more, it will be off which means DC bias output is prohibited. The key is useless in some pages where the DC BIAS cannot be added.
  18. [TRIG/ENTER]
    This key is used to end the input of data, and confirm and save the data displayed on the inputting line (the bottom line on LCD).
    When the trigger mode is set to MAN mode, press this key to trigger the instrument.
  19. Test terminals (UNKNOWN)
    4-teminal test pair are used to connect 4-terminal test fixture or cable to measure DUT.
    The 4 terminals are respectively as follows: Hcur, Hpot, Lpot and Lcur.
  20. [LOCK/LOCAL]
    Press this key, the buzzer will beep, which means the function of current panel is locked. Press it again, it will be off, which means discharging the lock status. If the password function is ON, it means correct password is necessary when discharging the key-lock, or the key cannot be unlocked.
  21. Ground terminal
    The ground terminal is connected with the case of instrument, which can be used to protect or shield the ground connection.
  22. [TRIG]
    When the trigger mode is set to MAN mode, press this key to trigger the instrument.
  23. Soft keys
    Six soft keys are used to select parameters. The corresponding function of each soft key has been displayed on its left (the right part of LCD). The function definition varies with different pages.
  24. POWER
    Power switch.

Rear panel

U2815 LCR Meter rear panel

  1. SCANNER interface (Option)
    Control the transformer scanning box through SCANNER interface.
  2. External trigger interface
    Handler interface is used to realize the sorting output of test results.
  3. IEEE-488 interface (Option)
    The tester can communicate with PC through GPIB interface.
  4. LAN interface (Option)
    LAN interface is used to realize the control and the communication of network system.
  5. Fan window
    Heat elimination, maintaining the normal working temperature
  6. Power socket
    Input AC power.
  7. Fuse base
    Being used to install power fuse, protect instrument.
  8. Ground terminal
    Connect the case with the ground.
  9. USB DEVICE interface
    The tester can communicate with PC through the USB DEVICE interface.
  10. RS-232 interface
    Series communication interface can realize the communication with PC.
  11. Serial number
    Information about production date, instrument number and manufacturer etc.
  12. HANDLER interface
    Handler interface is used to realize the sorting output of test results
    Warning! Be sure that the direction of fuse is accordant with power-supply voltage range before charging.
  13. Ground terminal
    The ground terminal is connected with instrument casing, being available for protecting or shielding ground connection.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can be measurement frequency set in U2815 LCR meter?
  • How many trigger modes does U2815 LCR meter have?

  • How can be measurement frequency set in U2815 LCR meter?

    U2815 LCR meter provides two methods to set measurement frequency. The first one is to use soft keys and the other one is to input data by using numeric keys.

    1) Move the cursor to the FREQ zone, the following soft keys will be displayed.

    • INCR++
      This is a coarse adjustment soft key used to increase the frequency. Press this key, the frequency will change as the following sequence: 20Hz, 100Hz, 1kHz, 10kHz, 100kHz, 200kHz.
    • INCR+
      This is a fine adjustment soft key used to increase the frequency. Press this key, the frequency will switch.
    • DECR-
      This is a fine adjustment soft key used to decrease the frequency. The selectable frequencies are the same as that of INCR+.
    • DECR--
      This is a coarse adjustment soft key used to decrease the frequency. The selectable frequencies are the same as that of INCR++.

    2) Use soft keys or numeric keys to select or set frequency. When using numeric keys to input the required frequency value, the soft key displays the available frequency units (Hz, kHz and MHz). You can use unit soft key to input unit and data. When using [ENTER] to input frequency, the default unit is Hz.


    How many trigger modes does U2815 LCR meter have?

    There are 4 trigger modes on U2815: INT, MAN, EXT and DUT.

    When the trigger mode is set as INT, U2815 will make sequential and repeated tests.

    When the trigger mode is set as MAN, press [TRIG] once, U2815 will make one test.

    When the trigger mode is set as EXT, once the HANDLER interface receives a positive impulse, U2815 will execute one measurement.

    When the trigger mode is set as DUT, once the test fixture receives a component, U2815 will execute one measurement.

    When the trigger mode is set as BUS, once the IEEE 488 interface receives a TRIGGER command, U2815 will execute a test. The BUS mode cannot be set on the front panel.


    El medidor LCR U2815 es una nueva generación de equipos de prueba de impedancia con alta precisión, amplio rango de medición y resolución de seis dígitos. Al poseer una frecuencia de prueba de hasta 1 MHz, un voltaje de prueba de 10 mV-5 V y un voltaje de polarización de CC incorporado de -5 V ~ 5 V, puede cumplir con todos los requisitos para medir componentes y materiales y brindar garantías para el control de calidad de la línea de producción, la inspección entrante y mediciones de precisión de laboratorio. Este producto puede ser ampliamente utilizado en análisis de rendimiento eléctrico de micrófonos, resonadores, inductores, condensadores cerámicos, monitores LCD, análisis de diodos varactor, transformadores, etc. La velocidad de medición ultrarrápida de la serie U2815 la hace particularmente adecuada para líneas de producción automática de máquinas de inspección y análisis de curva de respuesta de frecuencia de dispositivos piezoeléctricos.

    Por otra parte, las interfaces Handler, RS-232C y GPIB, así como el sistema de comando mejorado proporcionado por el instrumento, facilitan la construcción del sistema de prueba.

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