Rohde & Schwarz wideband radio communication tester with new LTE eHRPD handover options for user equipment testing

Rohde & Schwarz wideband radio communication tester with new LTE eHRPD handover options for user equipment testing


Rohde & Schwarz has enhanced its R&S® CMW500 multistandard platform and now offers options for testing the handover between LTE and 1xEV-DO networks. All tests are carried out in line with the 3GPP2 enhanced high-rate packet data (eHRPD) specifications.

In particular manufacturers who address the American and Asian markets with their user equipment or chipsets must perform these tests. In America and Asia, LTE technology is currently being integrated into existing CDMA2000® environments. The new LTE user equipment for these networks must reliably function in CDMA2000® cells, too. The transition from one infrastructure to the other must work smoothly.

During handover testing, the R&S®CMW500 wideband radio communication tester can also simulate a real IP connection. As a result, test engineers can find out whether a device continuously transmits the IP user data on both networks during handover. The R&S®CMW500 includes the server function required for this test. This enables the user not only to carry out handover tests, but also to simultaneously measure the RF characteristics of the DUT for LTE and CDMA2000®.

The R&S®CMW-eHRPD options for the R&S®CMW500 wideband radio communication tester are now available from Rohde & Schwarz. In addition, Rohde & Schwarz also offers LTE handover options for WCDMA and GSM.

Rohde & Schwarz,

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