Keithley’s free technical online seminar on Bias Temperature Instability and State of the Art Measurement Methods

Keithley’s free technical online seminar on Bias Temperature Instability and State of the Art Measurement Methods


Keithley Instruments invites to take part in free technical online seminar “Fundamentals of BTI Bias Temperature Instability and State of the Art Measurement Methods”.

This seminar is designed to help reliability engineers understand and implement state-of-the-art Bias Temperature Instability (BTI) measurements using Ultra-Fast I-V methods. Sign up now!

Date and time

Europe: Thursday, December 16, 2010

15:00 CET Central European Time

(UTC/GMT: 14:00)

The first segment of the seminar examines the current theory of positive and negative BTI (PBTI and NBTI) mechanisms in ultra thin film transistors. The second segment addresses the measurement challenges and defines the best methods for Ultra-Fast I-V measurements for capturing both degradation and recovery characteristics.

Those participating in this seminar will learn:

  • The current theories behind modeling NBTI and PBTI
  • Challenges associated with characterizing BTI degradation and recovery
  • State-of-the-art measurement techniques for modeling and process control
  • Limitations in Ultra-Fast I-V including Johnson Noise and others
  • Tips on characterizing measurement system performance

The 1-hour seminar is accompagnied by an interactive Q&A capability (during live broadcast) where you can ask the presenter questions for additional insight on this important topic.

Target Audience

This seminar is intended for those whose job requires performing semiconductor reliability characterization measurements. The material is particularly beneficial for students, technicians, engineers, and lab managers who are responsible for developing test systems and methodologies to address the need of ultra thin film transistor reliability.

About the Presenter

Chris Henderson is President and Owner at Semitracks Incorporated. Prior to Semitracks, Chris was a Principal Member of Technical Staff at Sandia National Laboratories and Senior Reliability Engineer at Honeywell.

Paul Meyer is Senior Staff Technologist for Keithley Instruments’ Semiconductor Measurements Group, based in Cleveland, Ohio. Prior to joining Keithley, Paul’s career included designing semiconductor fab equipment, as well as equipment and equipment engineering in semiconductor fabs

The seminar will be broadcasted over the internet and requires your registration prior to the event.

Register today to reserve your place for this invaluable seminar!

Attendance to participate in this important industry event is free, but space is limited, so sign up now!

To register for this webcast seminar click here.
You will receive confirmation and log-in information prior to the event.

Keithley Instruments,

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