Rohde & Schwarz places its new oscilloscopes at center stage amidst numerous other innovations presented at electronica 2010

Rohde & Schwarz places its new oscilloscopes at center stage amidst numerous other innovations presented at electronica 2010


Rohde & Schwarz presents its T&M solutions at electronica 2010 under the motto "Frequency meets Time": Its new oscilloscopes have advanced the company into the time domain. The R&S RTO and R&S RTM families are a highlight at the Rohde & Schwarz booth 307 in hall A1. One of the other top products on exhibit is the R&S FSVR, the world's first real-time spectrum analyzer up to 30 GHz. But that's not all: Rohde & Schwarz showcases new innovations in the microwave and millimeter-wave T&M portfolio with signal generation up to 110 GHz.

electronica 2010 ( will take place on 9-12 November, 2010, Munich, Germany.

Universal to high-performance: two new oscilloscope families from Rohde & Schwarz

The launch of two oscilloscope families at the end of June catapulted Rohde & Schwarz into a completely new market segment. The R&S RTO family of high-performance oscilloscopes is designed for speed and signal fidelity. These instruments offer a sampling rate of up to 10 GHz as well as 2 GHz bandwidths, and can analyze 1 million waveforms per second, making even the rarest errors immediately visible. Plus, the world’s first digital trigger system means very low trigger jitter. The R&S RTM universal oscilloscopes from Rohde & Schwarz are the first choice for everyday measurement tasks due to their excellent characteristics, wide range of functions and compact design. 500 MHz bandwidth, a maximum sampling rate of 5 Gsample/s and a memory depth of up to 8 Msample make them ideal for testing and debugging analog and digital circuits with low clock rates. The sophisticated user interface of both oscilloscope families provides the perfect overview, even in the case of complex measurements.

At the Rohde & Schwarz booth, trade fair visitors can see for themselves how convenient the R&S RTO’s interactive touch screen operation is. They can also attend an application workshop to familiarize themselves with details of the new instruments.

R&S FSVR: the world’s first real-time spectrum analyzer up to 30 GHz

The R&S FSVR real-time spectrum analyzer from Rohde & Schwarz is the first solution to combine a general-purpose signal and spectrum analyzer with a real-time spectrum analyzer up to 30 GHz. In real-time mode, the R&S FSVR detects everything, from sporadic events to ultrashort signals. Measurement without blind times is a major advantage for developers of RF components used in commercial transmission systems such as LTE, WiMAX™, WLAN, Bluetooth® and RFID, and for general RF applications used in aerospace and defense such as radar and frequency hopping transmission.

Signal generation into the microwave and millimeter-wave range

Rohde & Schwarz has added a new option to its R&S SMB100A signal generator family, expanding the instrument’s wide range of applications to include interference measurements in the wireless communications range up to 12.75 GHz. Equipped with its integrated pulse generator and another new option, the R&S SMB100A can now generate complex pulse sequences such as needed for radar tests. It is the only signal generator in this frequency range with a wear-free electronic attenuator, which is especially useful for applications requiring frequent changes in level settings, such as receiver tests. All of the models in the R&S SMB100A family feature standard output levels that are unique in their classes plus outstanding RF characteristics and low operating costs.

The new R&S SMZ frequency multiplier family with a frequency range up to 110 GHz expands the capabilities of the R&S SMF100A microwave generator. The R&S SMZ multipliers are the first on the market that can be optionally equipped with either a built-in mechanical or electronic level controller. They can be controlled by the R&S SMF100A microwave generator via USB so that the generator and the multiplier function as a single unit. Over this interface, the R&S SMF100A also receives all the data required to automatically correct the multiplier’s frequency and level values, thereby eliminating error-prone and time-consuming level measurement with a level detector or power sensor as is usual in conventional development and production test setups.

More Rohde & Schwarz expertise: workshops at electronica

These and other T&M solutions in the areas of wireless communications, EMC, audio and broadcasting can be seen at booth 307 in hall A1. Rohde & Schwarz again offers application workshops this year. Users can familiarize themselves with details of the new oscilloscopes or gain expert knowledge on topics such as network analysis or the software integration of T&M instruments. The Rohde & Schwarz workshops take place on November 11.

On November 9, a press day will be held for journalists at the Rohde & Schwarz booth.

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