The right way to operate AKTAKOM ACM-2036 AC/DC True RMS Clamp Meter

The right way to operate AKTAKOM ACM-2036 AC/DC True RMS Clamp Meter


AKTAKOM ACM-2036 clamp meter and multimeter in one is a compact device designed for the operation in AC/DC network.

AKTAKOM ACM-2036 True RMS Clamp Meter is used to measure:

  • up to 200A DC with 2.0% accuracy;
  • up to 200A AC (TrueRMS, 50/60 Hz), accuracy: 2.5%;
  • up to 600V DC voltage, accuracy: 1.0%;
  • up to 600V AC voltage (TrueRMS, 50/60 Hz), accuracy: 1.5%;
  • up to 1000Ohm resistance, accuracy: 1.5%.

This model is also capable of measuring continuity and performing diode test.

At the same time when measuring alternating current and voltage ACM-2036 can take TrueRMS measurements not only at 50/60 Hz frequency but also at 400 Hz.

In order to know the right way of this clamp meter use, to see its controls, specifications and additional pictures follow the page of AKTAKOM ACM-2036 True RMS Clamp Meter and check the relevant tabs.

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