AKTAKOM Web Server (AULWebServer)

AKTAKOM Web Server (AULWebServer)
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Compatible with: 
APS-1602LS DC Power Supply 60V / 2A 1 Channel
APS-1721L DC Power Supply 120V / 1A 1 Channel
APS-1721LS DC Power Supply 120V / 1A 1 Channel
APS-3103L DC Power Supply Remote Controlled 120V / 3A 1 channel programmable
APS-3320L DC Power Supply Remote Controlled 30V / 20A 1 Channel programmable
APS-3320LS DC Power Supply Remote Controlled 30V / 20A 1 Channel programmable
APS-7303L DC Power Supply Remote controlled from your iPad or Android 90W 30V / 3A 1 channel programmable
APS-7305L DC Power Supply Remote controlled from your iPad or Android 150W 30V / 5A 1 channel programmable
APS-7306L DC Programmable Power Supply
APS-7306LS DC Programmable Power Supply
AME-1733 Multi-Channel Universal Datalogger
AAE-2712 Dual-Channel Smart Controller
ACE-1748 Input-Output Module
ACK-3002 dual-channel USB PC-based oscilloscope + spectrum analyzer
ACK-3102 dual-channel USB PC-based oscilloscope + spectrum analyzer
ACK-3106 two-channel USB PC-based oscilloscope
ACK-3106L two-channel USB PC-based oscilloscope
ACK-3107 four-channel USB PC-based oscilloscope
ACK-3107L four-channel USB PC-based oscilloscope
ACK-3117 four-channel USB PC-based oscilloscope with galvanic isolation
ACK-3172 two-channel USB PC-based oscilloscope
ACK-3174 four-channel USB PC-based oscilloscope
ACK-3712 1M dual-channel USB PC-based oscilloscope
ACK-3712 1T dual-channel USB PC-based oscilloscope
ACK-3712 dual-channel USB PC-based oscilloscope
AKC-3116 USB PC-based logic analyzer
AKC-3166 USB PC-based logic analyzer

For Windows®
Supported OS: Windows XP x32, Windows Vista, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8 x32, Windows 8 x64

Free for registered users 

(26.28 Mb)
Product registration required

AULServer program is designed to provide AKTAKOM USB-laboratories, which support the connection to devices via sockets, with the access to AUL devices (AKTAKOM USB Lab) via Ethernet/Internet network.

This utility allows you to:

  • automatically detect locally connected AUL devices;
  • specify the required server port;
  • see the customers’ connection;
  • manually disconnect a customer from the devices if necessary.

AULServer program is used in Windows and LabView environment.

USB and LAN interfaces are supported.

Standard package

The software in the standard package of the device has no physical media (CD) and can be downloaded at www.tmatlantic.com after the purchasing and registering the equipment with a serial number. This software is not free however its cost is included into device value.

We recommend you save a copy of your software. If lost: registered user can download software free of charge during warranty period. After warranty period has expired the software could be purchased and downloaded from the tmatlantic website. The software could be written on the CD and shipped to the customer for an additional fee and only upon request.

In the new version of the software, when connecting the unit for the first time, it will ask for a license (access key). It is available online after product registration. Insert the entire character set by coping and pasting it from www.tmatlantic.com. Follow the instructions on the site. We recommend that you make and keep a copy of the downloaded software. Follow the our websites news releases to receive software updates.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can I get my software on a CD?

  • Can I get my software on a CD?

    The software can be delivered on physical media (CD-ROM). You can buy this service in our on-line store. The cost of writing your software on CD is $10 + tax (if you located in Florida) + shipping. It will be mailed to you after payment is received. The $10 charge is not for the software but the labor of writing on the CD and mailing it to you.

    Please note: this service is available only for purchased and registered instruments and software.

    Recording your Software on CD


    AULWebServer es una aplicación basada en una interfaz web (protocolos TCP / IP). Permite el control remoto de una fuente de alimentación por la red de área local (LAN).

    RESERVADOS TODOS LOS DERECHOS. El software AKTAKOM™ está protegido por leyes y tratados internacionales y federales sobre derechos de autor. Se prohíbe cualquier copia, reimpresión o uso no autorizado de este material. Ninguna parte de este software puede ser reproducida o transmitida de ninguna forma o por ningún medio, electrónico o mecánico, incluyendo fotocopias, grabaciones o por cualquier sistema de almacenamiento y recuperación de información sin el permiso expreso por escrito del autor / editor.

    Windows, el logotipo de Windows son marcas comerciales registradas o marcas comerciales de Microsoft Corporation en los Estados Unidos y / o en otros países.

    ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. AKTAKOM™ software is protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized copy, reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this software may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.

    Windows, Windows logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

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