Wuppertal University chooses Tektronix to develop advanced 6G technology

Wuppertal University chooses Tektronix to develop advanced 6G technology


Wuppertal University in Germany has chosen Tektronix instrumentation to help it develop innovative and capable new technologies that will underpin 6G networks.

The project will develop components that allow higher data throughputs for 6G, while also cutting the latency of networks to allow applications, such as autonomous driving and remote surgery, with haptic feedback.

Led by Prof. Dr. Ullrich Pfeiffer, the project team was looking for instrumentation that could demonstrate the best vertical resolution, the best residual Error Vector Magnitude (EVM), a large memory and the ability to synchronize multiple instruments. After careful consideration of vendors, Prof. Dr. Pfeiffer and his team settled on Tektronix.

The scope of supply encompassed six DPO77001SX 70GHz Oscilloscopes, six AWG70001B 50 GSa/s Arbitrary Waveform Generators, three AWG Synch Hubs, three SignalVuPC Vector Signal Analysis Software, three SourceXpress Waveform Generation Software, and two water cooled 19” Racks supplied by system integrator ATV (Automatisierungstechnik Voigt GmbH) to reduce acoustic noise and improve thermal stability.

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