TI introduces industry's first fully integrated fluxgate sensor, signal conditioning and compensation coil driver IC, providing closed-loop current sensing

TI introduces industry's first fully integrated fluxgate sensor, signal conditioning and compensation coil driver IC, providing closed-loop current sensing


Texas Instruments introduced the industry's first magnetic sensing integrated circuit (IC) with a fully integrated fluxgate sensor and compensation coil driver, along with all the required signal conditioning circuitry. Complete integration enables the DRV421 to provide best-in-class sensor accuracy and linearity, high dynamic range, and simpler system design compared to traditional closed-loop sensors. With the DRV421, system designers will be able to more easily develop magnetic closed-loop current sensors for applications such as motor control, renewable energy, battery chargers and power monitoring.

Key benefits of the DRV421 IC

  • Simplifies system design: An integrated fluxgate sensor reduces design complexity and design effort, and helps achieve smaller footprint.
  • Sensor integration enables best-in-class accuracy and linearity:
    • Allows precise control over motors and automation equipment with an overall sensor accuracy of less than 0.1 percent.
    • Reduces coupling between the compensation coil and the fluxgate sensor, as well as emissions from fluxgate excitation, to provide high linearity
  • High dynamic range: Built-in closed-loop magnetic core degaussing procedure and offset calibration increase dynamic range up to six decades while supporting higher system-level accuracy, compared to traditional solutions.
  • Allows 3.3-V operation: As the first fluxgate sensor solution on the market supporting 3.3-V operation, the DRV421 simplifies the interface to integrated ADCs on low-power microcontrollers.

Find more details on Texas Instruments web site

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