New Rohde & Schwarz step attenuators are the first to cover the frequency range up to 67 GHz

New Rohde & Schwarz step attenuators are the first to cover the frequency range up to 67 GHz


The new R&S RSC family from Rohde & Schwarz consists of four models of the R&S RSC base unit and two external step attenuators. The base unit is available with or without internal step attenuator. The internal step attenuators come in three versions and can handle signals up to max. 18 GHz. The two external step attenuators cover frequencies up to max. 67 GHz. Every base unit can control up to four external step attenuators in parallel.

The R&S RSC step attenuators allow users to attenuate signal power step by step either manually or by remote control. A typical field of application is the calibration of measuring instruments, especially receiver linearity testing.

The R&S RSC base unit with internal step attenuator is available in three versions. The standard version covers an attenuation range of 139 dB with a 1 dB step size up to 6 GHz. Rohde & Schwarz also offers a precision step attenuator especially for users in aerospace and defense. It covers the frequency range from DC to 6 GHz and features a maximum attenuation of 139.9 dB and a step size of 0.1 dB, which is unique worldwide. The third version handles the frequency range up to 18 GHz with a maximum attenuation of 115 dB and a step size of 5 dB.

Every R&S RSC base unit can control a maximum of four external step attenuators. The instrument family includes two base unit models up to 40 GHz and 67 GHz, respectively. Both attenuate the signal by max. 75 dB at a step size of 5 dB. The 67 GHz step attenuator from Rohde & Schwarz is the only one in the world for this frequency range. The external step attenuators are configured and controlled via the base unit, a PC with Rohde & Schwarz control program or via an application program.

The R&S RSC family with its 10x106 switching cycles is ideal for use in production, and its lifetime is double that of competitor products. The repeatability of 0.02 dB is unrivaled worldwide.

To achieve the highest possible measurement accuracy, the frequency response of each step attenuator is measured in the factory and stored in the instrument. At the current operating frequency, an R&S RSC can automatically correct its absolute attenuation by its frequency response, which reduces attenuation uncertainty to a minimum. Test setup components such as cables or high-power attenuators can be included in the displayed overall attenuation.

All models are equipped with IEC/IEEE, LAN and USB interfaces. Legacy Rohde & Schwarz attenuators are supported via the compatibility mode of the R&S RSC so that customers do not have to change their control programs.

The R&S RSC step attenuators are now available from Rohde & Schwarz. For detailed information, visit

Rohde & Schwarz.

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