Easywave Application Software

Compatible with: 
AWG-4105 Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator 5MHz 2CH 16Kpts
AWG-4110 Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator 10MHz 2CH 16Kpts
AWG-4150 Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator 50MHz 2CH 16Kpts

First install the driver and the application software in your computer, then start it. Once you have connected the Arbitrary Wave Generator USB cable to your computer you may start sending and receiving data from the equipment

After transferring by pressing "send command", the file that you have created with the Easywave application software at your computer you may upload the file in your equipment or you may read from the AWG the signal that you manually created in a equipment or just open and send a previously saved signal in an AKTAKOM oscilloscope

Now regarding How to install the driver or issues with OS, you may refer to FAQ Tab

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