Aktakom Smart Controller (ASC)

Compatible with: AAE-2712 Dual-Channel Smart Controller

Aktakom Smart Controller (ASC) is designed for the control and programming (for the operation in accordance with the specified program in standalone mode) of AKTAKOM AAE-2712 module.

There are two operation modes: administrative and user. Administrative mode allows you to program the module operation in standalone mode, the user mode allows you to start / stop the program entered into the module or to switch on / off the module actuating relay, regardless of the program operation.

The module programming for the operation in standalone mode supports the following functions:

  • Timer (relay on / off switch) on two channels
  • Clock (astronomical time) (relay on / off switch) on two channels
  • Relay triggering according to the measurement results
  • Random program entered by the user basing on simple mnemonic language.

One program in the module provides the operation of both relay channels.

This software allows you to configure quickly and at minimum costs those controlling processes (functions) which more often require minor automation in the laboratory or in the office.


Timer of switching on / off of two relay channels in the preset time periods allows remote user switching on / off at any time (i.e. regardless of the standalone program entered into the module). Timer specifies the relative time intervals and stays independent from the astronomical time.

Typical application example - lighting (of the heater, electric motor, electric lock, etc.), for example, for 20 minutes (the duration is set by the administrator) after "start" command (in 20 minutes it will be switched off automatically). The command is given by the user.

At the same time it is possible (by the user) to switch on / off the specified devices at any time and for any time by switching on / off commands.

At the same time there can be up to 16 users simultaneously using one module (via LAN interface). There is event processing algorithm used in the module (FIFO).


Clock is connected with the astronomical time.

Typical application example - lighting (of the heater, electric motor, electric lock, etc.), for example, for 20 minutes (the duration is set by the administrator) in the preset time of the day (the time is set by the administrator).

Start / stop command can be given by the user. Clock doesn’t reset when the program is stopped. At the same time regardless of the operation by the hour it is possible (by the user) to switch on / off the specified devices at any time and for any time by switching on / off commands.

At the same time there can be up to 16 users simultaneously using one module (via LAN interface). There is event processing algorithm used in the module (FIFO).

Measurement results

Typical application example – thermostat (support of the specified temperature).

Random program

To form the random program they use embedded mnemonic language.

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ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. AKTAKOM™ software is protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized copy, reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this software may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.

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