Aktakom DMM Light Software for Multimeters

Aktakom DMM Light Software for Multimeters
Click an image to enlarge
Compatible with: 
AM-1118 Multipurpose Digital Multimeter
AM-1142 Digital Multimeter
AM-1152 Extra-safety Digital Multimeter
AM-1171 Digital Push-Button Control Multimeter
AMM-1130 Digital Multimeter

For Windows®
Supported OS: Windows XP x32, Windows XP x64, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8 x32, Windows 8 x64, Windows 8.1 x32, Windows 8.1 x64, Windows 10 x32, Windows 10 x64

(12.21 Mb)
Product registration required

Aktakom DMM Light software is designed to enter the current value into PC, to display it and the measurement history as a table or graph defining max, min and average values, to proceed and save the data received from AKTAKOM AMM-1130, AM-1142, AM-1152, AM-1171, AM-1118 multimeters into files.

Aktakom DMM Light main features:

  • Displaying the current measurement value as a numerical value and graphic scale;
  • Displaying the measurements as a table where you can clean the measurement history, save data and export it in .xls;
  • Measurement history as recorder graph. Displaying of min, max and average values where you can clean the measurement history;
  • Graph memory depth setting;
  • Setting the number of table lines.
  • Connected device selection.

The program contains the main window with several blocks.

This application detects and makes a list of the devices available for work and connected to the PC locally (via USB interface). Device connection looks the standard way for Aktakom applications: device search buttons, device connection and disconnection, the list of available devices.

Data received from the device is displayed as a table and graph defining max, min and average values. You may save data, export it in .xls and clean the measurement history. You may set the graph memory depth as well as the number of table lines.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can I install Aktakom DMM Light Software?
  • Is Aktakom DMM Light Software capable of operating with several devices connected to the PC?
  • Why can’t the device be connected after Aktakom DMM Light Software installation?
  • Can I get my software on a CD?

  • How can I install Aktakom DMM Light Software?

    To install Aktakom DMM Light run ADMML_Setup.exe and then follow the installer instruction:

    Carefully read the license agreement:

    Select the location to install the software:

    Click “Install”:

    The installation will be launched:

    After the installation is finished the software is ready for work but it’s necessary to install the driver:

    Click “Finish” and the driver installation will be started automatically:

    Click “Finish” and the software is ready for further operation:


    Is Aktakom DMM Light Software capable of operating with several devices connected to the PC?

    Aktakom Digital Multimeter Monitor Light Software detects all of the compatible devices connected to the PC and displays them in the detected device list of the “Connection” block, in “Settings” window.

    During the operation you may read the data from another device selecting it in this window. At the same time the data receipt from the previously selected device will be stopped.


    Why can’t the device be connected after Aktakom DMM Light Software installation?

    This may happen in case of incorrect driver installation. There are several driver versions integrated into ADMM-Lt software and they work in different OS versions. For Windows XP, Windows 7 you should use PL2303_Prolific driver of 1.11 version; for Windows 8, Windows 8.1 there is PL2303_Prolific driver, version 1.5.2, suitable.

    Find Driver folder in the folder with installed Aktakom DMM Light software. You need to enter this folder and select the deriver version appropriate to your OS version for further installation.

    After the driver installation and the PC restart the device will be ready for work.


    Can I get my software on a CD?

    The software can be delivered on physical media (CD-ROM). You can buy this service in our on-line store. The cost of writing your software on CD is $10 + tax (if you located in Florida) + shipping. It will be mailed to you after payment is received. The $10 charge is not for the software but the labor of writing on the CD and mailing it to you.

    Please note: this service is available only for purchased and registered instruments and software.

    Recording your Software on CD


    Aktakom DMM Light software está diseñado para mostrar e introducir el valor actual en una PC, así como la historia de la medición en forma de tabla o gráfica definiendo los valores mínimos, medios y máximos, así como proceder a guardar los datos recibidos del multímetro AKTAKOM AMM-1130 en archivos.

    Características principales de Aktakom DMM Light:

    • Muestra los valores de medición actual como un valor numérico y una escala gráfica;
    • Muestra las mediciones en forma de tabla donde usted puede borrar la historia de la medición, guardar datos y exportarlos en formato .xls;
    • La historia de las mediciones en forma de grafico gravado. Mostrando los valores mínimo, máximo y promedio donde se puede borrar la historia de la medición,
    • Gráfico de configuración de la memoria de profundidad,
    • Configuración del número de líneas de la tabla,
    • Selección del dispositivo conectado.

    El programa contiene la ventana principal con varios bloques.

    Esta aplicación detecta y hace una lista de los dispositivos disponible para trabajar y conectados a la PC localmente (vía interfaz del USB). La conexión del dispositivo busca la forma estándar para las aplicaciones Aktakom: botones de búsqueda de dispositivo, conexión y desconexión de dispositivos, la lista de dispositivos disponibles.

    TODOS LOS DERECHOS RESERVADOS. El software AKTAKOM ™ está protegido bajo las Leyes y Tratados Federales e Internacionales de Derechos de Autor. Queda prohibida cualquier copia no autorizada, reimpresión o utilización de este material. Ninguna parte de este software puede ser reproducida o transmitida en cualquier forma o por cualquier medio, electrónico o mecánico, incluyendo fotocopiado, grabación o cualquier almacenamiento de información y sistema de recuperación sin permiso escrito del autor / editor.

    RESERVADOS TODOS LOS DERECHOS. El software AKTAKOM™ está protegido por leyes y tratados internacionales y federales sobre derechos de autor. Se prohíbe cualquier copia, reimpresión o uso no autorizado de este material. Ninguna parte de este software puede ser reproducida o transmitida de ninguna forma o por ningún medio, electrónico o mecánico, incluyendo fotocopias, grabaciones o por cualquier sistema de almacenamiento y recuperación de información sin el permiso expreso por escrito del autor / editor.

    Windows, el logotipo de Windows son marcas comerciales registradas o marcas comerciales de Microsoft Corporation en los Estados Unidos y / o en otros países.

    ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. AKTAKOM™ software is protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized copy, reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this software may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.

    Windows, Windows logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

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