Keysight’s FieldFox Introduces Portable Millimeter-wave Analysis with Virginia Diodes Extenders

Keysight’s FieldFox Introduces Portable Millimeter-wave Analysis with Virginia Diodes Extenders


Keysight Technologies, Inc. has expanded the frequency range of its FieldFox handheld signal analyzers, offering up to 170 GHz support for millimeter-wave (mmWave) signal analysis. Through a collaboration with Virginia Diodes Inc. (VDI), Keysight’s A- and B-Series FieldFox handheld analyzers with 18 GHz or higher, can be paired with VDI PSAX frequency extenders to cover sub-THz frequency range.

Field-based engineers need precise mmWave measurements to advance modern wireless communications and radar systems. This is critical when it comes to 5G, 6G, aerospace and defense, and automotive radar transmission/receiving tests. However, mmWave signals are highly sensitive to obstacles, weather conditions, and interference. Understanding their propagation characteristics through precise measurements helps engineers design more efficient networks and radar systems, improving coverage, and enhancing reliability.

To gain this insight, traditional tools typically include large desktop signal analyzers and generators, which are often very expensive and cumbersome for field measurement use cases. The Keysight FieldFox addresses this issue, enabling mmWave measurements in a lightweight portable solution, when paired with VDI's PSAX frequency extender modules. In addition, engineers can opt for the FieldFox equipped with the downloadable Option 357 pulse generator, which can be paired with a PSGX module from VDI, to also offer a mmWave signal generation solution up to 170 GHz. This enables users to obtain accurate mmWave measurements in a simple, easy-to-use, and rugged solution.

Key benefits of Keysight’s FieldFox combined with VDI frequency extender modules include:

  • Expanded frequency coverage: Expanding the FieldFox’s frequency coverage from as low as 18 GHz, depending on models, up to 170 GHz for either signal analysis or generation.
  • Optimized performance at the mmWave range: Supporting in-band signal analysis with selection of spectrum analyzer mode, IQ analyzer mode, or real-time spectrum analyzer (RTSA) mode with extraordinary sensitivity of -155 dBm/Hz typical value.
  • Cost efficiency: Compared to traditional mmWave signal analysis and generation solutions, the combination of Keysight FieldFox and VDI frequency extenders reduces costs by half or more.
  • Portable and convenient testing: Weighing approximately less than 4 kg in total, the combination of Keysight FieldFox and VDI frequency extenders makes the mmWave field testing much more feasible and convenient for both field and lab environment.


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