Rohde & Schwarz partners with UNH-IOL to enhance high-speed Ethernet and InfiniBand compliance testing

Rohde & Schwarz partners with UNH-IOL to enhance high-speed Ethernet and InfiniBand compliance testing


Test and measurement specialist Rohde & Schwarz and the University of New Hampshire Interoperability Laboratory (UNH-IOL) extend their ongoing collaboration to expand Ethernet and InfiniBand compliance testing. Both have pooled their expertise to provide methods of implementation (MOI) for precise, fast and error-free compliance testing of high-speed cables and backplanes in line with IEEE 802.3 (up to IEEE 802.3ck) and InfiniBand standards (up to rate designator HDR), using vector network analysis test equipment from Rohde & Schwarz.

Data rates and data traffic grow faster than ever. The high data rates need to be transported between computer modules or high-speed data networks. The latest specifications planned to be published in fall 2021 for Ethernet IEEE 802.3ck will allow data rates up to 800 Gbps. InfiniBand, a communications standard to address very low latency and very high throughput rates, opts in the extension planned for 2021 even for throughput rates up to 1200 GB/s when combining several links. Long-distance transmission in both standards is handled via optical links. But to bridge short distances, high-speed copper cables are used. To secure reliable data transmission with these extremely high data rates, cable compliance tests are highly encouraged to provide confidence in the products.

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