Rohde & Schwarz assures quality of ANSP networks for airspace recovery

Rohde & Schwarz assures quality of ANSP networks for airspace recovery


Rohde & Schwarz announces new functionalities to its Advanced Voice Quality Assurance system (R&S AVQA), extending the functionality from IP to radio frequency (RF). This takes the advantage of the ED-137 protocol with information such as Frequency ID or Radio Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI). With this information, AVQA provides great new insights into the RF channel.

High-quality voice communications is paramount in air traffic control (ATC) and needs to be maintained. Rohde & Schwarz released R&S AVQA mid-2020, a ground-breaking monitoring solution for voice communications in air traffic management. Later that year, the company introduced (RSSI) monitoring as a unique enhancement to R&S AVQA.

The RSSI monitor provides short-term and long-term statistics on the signal and noise distribution received by radios. This gives radio engineers valuable insights into the RF spectrum behavior. If an air traffic controller reports poor transmission quality, the source, such as a weak signal or poor IP transmission, is easy to discover.

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