Keysight Technologies' Corporate Headquarters Operational After Northern California Fires

Keysight Technologies' Corporate Headquarters Operational After Northern California Fires


Keysight Technologies, Inc. announced that its corporate headquarters, located at 1400 Fountaingrove Pkwy, Santa Rosa, Calif., is operational after being temporarily closed due to the Northern California wildfires. All four main buildings on-site are intact and the majority of production-related facilities are now in operation. As a result of the proximity to the fires, the building interiors experienced smoke and other fire-related environmental impacts. Cleaning and additional restoration efforts are ongoing in both production and non-production areas of the site. To ensure business continuity, the company has leased office space in the local area that will support Santa Rosa employees who are not immediately re-occupying the site.

Business continues as usual at Keysight's other 145 worldwide locations, including its primary manufacturing and order fulfillment location in Penang, Malaysia. As the company restores the Santa Rosa site, it continues to take orders, ship products and otherwise meet the needs of its customers.

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