We keep on working on new services for your convenience

We keep on working on new services for your convenience


To make your work with our measuring equipment easy and maximum convenient we keep on implementing new services.

“Absolute measurement error” service allows you to estimate the measurement accuracy considering uncertainty (error) in the absolute value. It’s important if you take measurements at the range edge when the error value contributes to the value displayed on the device screen.

To get the value range it’d be enough to enter the estimate of the value under measurement into Value area and to see the range of possible values taking all of the standardized errors into consideration.

Note: a point is used as a separator of the integer and fractional part.

This service is implemented on the web pages of our device models.

Let us remind you about other services available on our site already that you may use right away:

  • D.E.V.I.C.E. – our online encyclopedia containing terms and definitions.
  • Measurement Fun Facts – service for your entertainment, here you will find some interesting facts about the world of measurement.
  • Comparing service – the comparison tables which allow comparing the parameters of similar devices. Check it before buying the device.
  • How it works” – service containing the pictures of interior design of devices.
  • Company news – fresh news about new products of our company.
  • Industry news – timely news from the measurement world.

Hope these services will be found very helpful for your work!

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