Aktakom Data Logger Monitor (ADLM-A)

Aktakom Data Logger Monitor (ADLM-A)
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Compatible with: 
ATE-1006 Anemometer
ATE-1033 Thermo-Anemometer, Real time SD memory card Datalogger
ATE-1033BT Thermo-Anemometer. Real time SD memory card Datalogger with Bluetooth interface
ATE-1034 Hot Wire Anemometer-Thermometer with Excel-formatted Data Logging SD Card and "K/J" Port
ATE-1034BT Hot Wire Anemometer, Real time SD memory card Datalogger with Bluetooth interface
ATE-9538 Environment Meter, SD Memory Card Datalogger
ATE-9538BT Environment Meter, Real time SD memory card Datalogger with Bluetooth interface
ATT-1004 Hot Wire Anemometer
ATE-1537 Light Meter
ATE-2002 Precision Thermometer
ATE-2036 Thermometer, Real Time SD Memory Card Datalogger
ATE-2036BT Thermometer, Real Time SD Memory Card Datalogger with Bluetooth interface
ATE-5035 Humidity and Temperature Meter, Real time SD memory card Datalogger
ATE-5035BT Humidity and Temperature Meter, Real time SD memory card Datalogger with Bluetooth interface
ATE-9380 Thermometer Monitor
ATE-9382 Humidity/Baro/Temperature Monitor
ATE-3012 Oxygen Meter
ATE-3012BT Oxygen Meter with Bluetooth interface
ATE-8702 Magnetic Meter
ATT-8509 Electromagnetic Field Meter
ATT-9002 Vibration meter
ACE-1025 Interface Converter
ACE-1026 Interface Converter

For Android™
Supported OS: Android 4.0

Retail price: $50.00

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ADLM-A software is designed for data reading from devices of AKTAKOM ATT, ATE series, for measurement data acquisition, its processing, displaying and storage in a tablet PC with Android OS of 4.0 and more advanced versions.


The application provides automatic detection of USB – RS-232 interfaces converter used for device to tablet PC connection and also it provides direct reading of the data transferred by the device. Data processing from one or two channels is also supported. When measurements are transferred their real-time graphs with automatic zoom are plotted automatically. There is possibility to record measurements with further reading of the saved file if necessary. If there are no connected devices demo mode is activated that allows you to see the application functions. Using the application settings you can set measurement intervals as well as data reads hold (HOLD).

Device to tablet PC connection scheme

ADLM-A connecting scheme

Devices of AKTAKOM ATT/ATE series have RS-232 interface for the communication with other devices while the majority table PCs have USB interface. Therefore to connect the device to the tablet PC there is AKTAKOM ACE-1025/ACE-1026 USB – RS-232 interfaces converter needed.

Installation and use of ADLM software in Android environment

When you buy ADLM-A software you receive *.apk file which is setup file in android OS. You may choose any method to place the file in the tablet PC and find it with file manager. One of the possible ways is shown in the following illustrations.

It should be noted that on your tablet PC the application installation from third-party sources should be allowed otherwise you will fail to install the application.

After the application is successfully found in the file system of the tablet PC start the installation.
In ADLM-A installation window click on the screen area with "Install" inscription.

After the application is installed click on the screen area with "Finish" inscription.

Run the application by selecting the respective item in the tablet PC menu.

For ADLM complete functioning the OS will ask for the application access to the USB device, it’s necessary to allow the access.

Working with the program

After the device is connected and the application is allowed to communicate with the tablet PC usb port the application will start automatically processing the data received from the device. Channel hot connection is available while data reading, however hot connection of the device is not supported. Due to this reason the connection of all components to the tablet PC should be done before running ADLM-A.

If necessary measurements should be recorded use button which will light when it’s active, also there will appear inscription "Record" at the bottom of the application form. Files are recorded in *csv format that will allow you to use them in AKTAKOM ADLM-w software which is designed for operation in Windows OS. Double clicking on button stops the recording process and the file is automatically saved.

However the possibility to read the recorded files is available in ADLM-a as well. To read the previously recorded file use button . After clicking the application will display the list of all recorded files where you may select the needed one.

Reading of the selected file is activated with a scroll bar for easy access to the needed graph part.

For the correct application exit it’s recommended to use button otherwise the application will not complete its work and continue to process the data, but the same feature can be used by reading the data in background mode and recording it into a file.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What to do if I lost my software?

  • What to do if I lost my software?

    In the case of loss, there is a charge for the software reloading.

    AKTAKOM Data Logger Monitor

    RESERVADOS TODOS LOS DERECHOS. El software AKTAKOM™ está protegido por leyes y tratados internacionales y federales sobre derechos de autor. Se prohíbe cualquier copia, reimpresión o uso no autorizado de este material. Ninguna parte de este software puede ser reproducida o transmitida de ninguna forma o por ningún medio, electrónico o mecánico, incluyendo fotocopias, grabaciones o por cualquier sistema de almacenamiento y recuperación de información sin el permiso expreso por escrito del autor / editor.

    ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. AKTAKOM™ software is protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized copy, reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this software may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.

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