Aktakom Power Manager Express

Aktakom Power Manager Express
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Compatible with: APS-7306 Linear, adjustable DC Power Supply 30V 5A, precision control, mode - CC, CV, memory, with Free AKTAKOM Original Software Control via PC, preset, and even one of the kind Voice Guide
For Windows®
Supported OS: Windows 10 x32, Windows 10 x64, Windows 11

Free for registered users 

(1.41 Mb)
Product registration required

Aktakom Power Manager Express software allows users to remotely control their power supply via PC. It features Measure, Set Up and Initialization functions, as well as, automatic switching off of the outputs of the device at the end of the program. The program follows basic configurations and some features of operation as the device control panel.

Software Specification

Connection, communication USB
Load voltage indication Yes
Load current indication Yes
Load power indication No
Indication of operation under load No
Operating mode indication V C / C C
Digital input of voltage and current values Yes
Regulator for entering voltage and current values Horizontal - Sliding
Output on/off button Yes
Preset fixed voltage values Yes
Preset fixed current values Yes
Voice guide Yes (On / Off), Eng
Activate remote control mode Any first command sent from a PC to a power supply using USB
Switch to manual control mode Turn the power supply off and on
Displaying the history of load voltage and current values No
Work according to a given schedule of current and voltage values No
Saving and importing current and voltage schedules No
Current time clock On / Off
Button names On / Off
Help Yes
Language support EN, ES
News On / Off

Note: Any first command sent from a PC to a power supply using USB switches power supply to remote control mode. To switch power supply back to manual control mode please turn the power supply off and on.

The software is multifunctional and interactive, its pre-set function allows for faster set up and flawless changes. Besides functionality the software has "News" button shows or hides Aktakom news feed. "Info" button displays the information about the program and connected device, and of cause the "Help" button for those who are stuck and need a little help. "Voice" button selects a Windows voice guide that will announce application events to you. Select the "No voice" option to disable the voice guide.

Standard package

The software in the standard package of the device has no physical media (CD) and can be downloaded at www.tmatlantic.com after the purchasing and registering the equipment with a serial number. This software is not free however its cost is included into device value.

Control via PC

Upper panel buttons of the main window:

Figure 1.

"Exit" button terminates the program operation.
The button with a clock icon shows or hides the clock display on the keypad.
"Hints" button shows or hides the keys caption text.
Button "Turn OFF when closed" - enables/disables the mode of automatic switching off of the outputs of the device at the end of the program.
"News" button shows or hides Aktakom news feed.
"Info" button displays the information about the program and connected device.
"Help" button recalls this help file.

Figure 2.

The Initialization box is used to connect the device to the program. If the device was already connected to the PC via USB when the program was started, the program will connect it automatically. If you connected the device later, click the Connect button. After successful connection of the device, the name and serial number of the device will be displayed in the initialization block. Otherwise, an error message will be displayed there.

Figure 3.

The Measurement box shows the current state of the device - switching on outputs, output voltage and current, stabilization mode - by voltage or current.

Figure 4.

The Set Up box allows you to control the parameters of the device. Panels with shortcut buttons are configured using the dialog Pre-set settings.

Button Output - turns on / off the outputs of the device.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the advantages of APM Express Pro vs APM Express?
  • What languages does the voice guide support?
  • Is a license key needed to work with this program
  • Can I Turn-Off News and Events feed on my Control Panel?

  • What are the advantages of APM Express Pro vs APM Express?

    APM Express Pro has additional functions comparing to APM Express:

    • Display of current power and integral consumption;
    • Automatic control of the power supply output voltage and current in accordance with the pre-set sequence of commands;
    • Event log (in text format);
    • Measurement history graph.


    What languages does the voice guide support?

    Voice guidance works in all languages installed in the operating system on your PC.

    Is a license key needed to work with this program

    License key is not needed to work with this program
    And the program does not ask for it.

    Can I Turn-Off News and Events feed on my Control Panel?

    To turn off the News and Events feed click on Aktakom Logo as shown on the picture.
    To turn it back on click on the Logo again.

    Troubleshooting LED Stip Using a Power Supply with Voice Guide Software

    Aktakom Power Manager Express software permite a los usuarios controlar remotamente su suministro de energía a través de una PC. Cuenta con funciones de Medición, Configuración e Inicialización, así como apagado automático de las salidas del dispositivo al final del programa. El programa sigue configuraciones básicas y algunas características de operación como el panel de control del dispositivo.

    Standard package

    El software incluido en el paquete estándar del dispositivo no tiene soporte físico (CD) y se puede descargar en www.tmatlantic.com después de la compra y registro del equipo con un número de serie. Este software no es gratuito, sin embargo, su costo está incluido en el valor del dispositivo.

    RESERVADOS TODOS LOS DERECHOS. El software AKTAKOM™ está protegido por leyes y tratados internacionales y federales sobre derechos de autor. Se prohíbe cualquier copia, reimpresión o uso no autorizado de este material. Ninguna parte de este software puede ser reproducida o transmitida de ninguna forma o por ningún medio, electrónico o mecánico, incluyendo fotocopias, grabaciones o por cualquier sistema de almacenamiento y recuperación de información sin el permiso expreso por escrito del autor / editor.

    Windows, el logotipo de Windows son marcas comerciales registradas o marcas comerciales de Microsoft Corporation en los Estados Unidos y / o en otros países.

    ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. AKTAKOM™ software is protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized copy, reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this software may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.

    Windows, Windows logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

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