AEE-20XX_SDK_Base Software Development Kit

Compatible with: 
AEE-2025 Crosspoint Switch
AEE-2085 Crosspoint Switch


Retail price: $10.00

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(9.72 Mb)
How to download

The Base Software Development Kit (SDK) is designed for creating user applications for four and single channel AKTAKOM AEE-208x and AEE-208x Crosspoint Switches. It’s capable of operating in Windows and LabView environments with USB and LAN interfaces.

This software in its standard representation doesn’t have any data medium. It can be downloaded from after your device registration by entering its serial number. You may download the software files after the invoice payment (you will receive the code for download).

It’s recommended to make a timely backup copy of the received files. The loss of the software or the download code will cause extra payment. This software can be recorded to a CD. CD recording and its delivery will also cost some extra payment.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What to do if I lost my software?
  • Can I get my software on a CD?

  • What to do if I lost my software?

    In the case of loss, there is a charge for the software reloading.

    Can I get my software on a CD?

    The software can be delivered on physical media (CD-ROM). You can buy this service in our on-line store. The cost of writing your software on CD is $10 + tax (if you located in Florida) + shipping. It will be mailed to you after payment is received. The $10 charge is not for the software but the labor of writing on the CD and mailing it to you.

    Please note: this service is available only for purchased and registered instruments and software.

    Recording your Software on CD


    RESERVADOS TODOS LOS DERECHOS. El software AKTAKOM™ está protegido por leyes y tratados internacionales y federales sobre derechos de autor. Se prohíbe cualquier copia, reimpresión o uso no autorizado de este material. Ninguna parte de este software puede ser reproducida o transmitida de ninguna forma o por ningún medio, electrónico o mecánico, incluyendo fotocopias, grabaciones o por cualquier sistema de almacenamiento y recuperación de información sin el permiso expreso por escrito del autor / editor.

    ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. AKTAKOM™ software is protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized copy, reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this software may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.

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