New GPS Simulator for Manufacturing Test

New GPS Simulator for Manufacturing Test


Spectracom, a company of the Orolia Group (NYSE Alternext Paris – FR0010501015 – ALORO) and the leading provider of practical test solutions for GPS and GNSS devices and systems, has announced a new offering in its line of GPS constellation simulators. With a focus on productivity improvements for the end user, the GSG-52 RF Signal Generator allows for in-line product testing of navigation-fix and positioning functions of integrated GPS or alternate GNSS receivers. In a compact portable form factor, the GSG-52 offers 4-channel simulation with the same unprecedented flexibility and ease-of-use available from other Spectracom GPS and GNSS multi-channel simulators.

Spectracom CTO, John Fischer, said, “We understand there is often a gap between development and production test tools, often due to cost-constraints in manufacturing. Even though our models GSG-54 and GSG-55 offer the speed and simplicity required in production environments, the GSG-52’s price point of under $10K will allow for greater applicability.” Mr. Fischer added, “What’s more, we offer investment protection since the GSG-52 is fully upgradeable to the higher level of functionality at any time including increased channel count up to 16, receiver trajectory control, SBAS simulation, and more. In addition, to ensure continuity of our customer’s long term product test plans, the GSG-52 platform provides for an upgrade path for dual GPS + GLONASS receivers down the road.”

The GSG-52 is an ideal solution to leap second testing. Users and developers of critical GPS systems have until June 30 to evaluate effects of the leap second discontinuity on their devices and software. The GSG-52 offers an attractive price point for the most reliable GPS testing with an RF signal generator. As the value for GPS simulation is proven, users can add functionality.


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